03 Feb Oxfam Novib and Flow+ helping entrepreneurs
Oxfam Novib and Flow+ helping entrepreneurs
Oxfam Novib (Oxfam Dutch Organization for International Assistance) established the “Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs” network to enable entrepreneurs from the Netherlands to support entrepreneurs elsewhere in the world in their business endeavors. By joining this network, you indirectly, and sometimes directly, support business owners in other locations with resources and knowledge. But Oxfam Novib also aims to help entrepreneurs in the Netherlands further develop their sustainability ambitions.
The big question for Oxfam was complex. First, how to better inform entrepreneurs in the Netherlands about sustainability through, among other things, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Secondly, which SDGs best fit the strategy of each entrepreneur, recognizing the inherently business-specific nature of these goals. And finally, how to actually implement these SDGs. As a first step in this, Oxfam partnered with Flow+ and BIC Institute, leveraging the unique ID-Scan to provide entrepreneurs with valuable insights. It marks a meaningful partnership, enabling Flow+ to actively contribute to its own sustainability aspirations.